Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Does Apple hate me or am I just clumsy Today?

Ahh todays been pretty Bad from the start of the day, In the morning walked down the stairs then tripped over a toy car, Luckily it wasnt a bad fall.. then later on I was checking on some blogs when i flicked the page to apple site for new updates I accidently knocked down my ipod Now the Screen Cracked.... I thought a shock resistance case will do the work.. Went on ebay to find a new screen but it costs like $45 for a good one, and I have no idea how to change it, Checked youtube but its too complicated..

I hate days like this..Ray~


  1. Oh mate, sorry to hear you are having such a bad day.

  2. some days are just so horrible!

  3. Ah sorry about that, hope tomorrow is good to you! :)

  4. That has been a pretty bad day. I think if you take it to an Apple shop they'll replace the screen for you, but they won't do it cheap.

    1. I dont think theres any apple store in sydney :(

  5. That sucks..Some days, nothing goes right! I drop my Ipod all the time but it's a shuffle so no screen to break or anything. Have a nice day today!

    1. I hate it when that happens.. Shuffles are awesome but it only can hold music, Thank you

  6. ouch man! that sucks, they have tutorials for screen changes online, i hear its not that hard, you just need a set of precision screwdrivers, Good luck man, hope you have a better day!

    1. Thanks Adam! yeah I've checked out the tutorials online, doesnt look hard but scared if i stuff up :(

  7. aw poor ray its okay your 21 so you must have the money
